Galactic Federation

The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, Feb. 18, 2023

Hello there. The odds are against us this morning yet, it’s the only opportunity I will get this week. My mood is not the best and a lot of noise from outside. These things are sent to try us. Ok, so let’s see if we can change all that. How are things in your world? Dearest Blossom, Dearest Souls, from all walks of life, in all sorts of ‘States of Being’ … we welcome you this day … this moment … In Love. Already I feel calmer. Read More…

The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, 12 Feb. 2023

Morning chaps! Well, I cannot not ask you about Fergus the Fungus! So many emails sent to me from Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. with headlines of a dangerous spreading fungus. The WHO have even mentioned it. Is it that your prediction is now coming to fruition? Do tell! Good morning to you, Blossom, and to Each Soul of effulgent emissions, which have a far greater effect than one is assuming. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Feb. 5, 2023

Good morning to you. I have found this unexpected gap in my agenda, so thought I’d try and get the channelling done now. Hoping it will work. Welcome, Dearest Blossom. Welcome, All Souls who have found their way to these communications. For it is your Heart that has led you here. For it is your Heart that recognises Truth in all things. There is no better radar than your Heart, Dearest Ones. Thank you. Very True. I wondered if you could speak to us about the EES and Med beds etc. In fact, all Quantum Healing apparatus in general, if you would? Read More…

January Chat and Channel with Blossom

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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Jan. 22, 2023

Good morning! So quickly the time ticks by.  I have had an influx of letters lately regarding Fergus the fungus. There seem to be so many possible versions of what it ‘could’ be. Anything more to say on it from your position? Good Morning to you, Blossom, and indeed, to Each Soul of Light that finds themselves resonating with that which we choose to bring through. The updates given to you regarding your inquiry would be likened to anything where one’s attention has been ‘notified’ to certain/specific matters. Read More…

The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, January 13, 2023

Hello to you. ‘The Tribe of Light’ as our community name, was well received. Thank you. How can ‘we’ best serve said community in our chat today? Welcome to ONE. Welcome to ALL. Welcome to you, Blossom. There is no Greater way to serve The Whole … as A Whole … than by connecting up in Love with each and every one. It is the simplest of tasks, for it is through the asking and through the intention to do so. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Jan. 7, 2023

AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!!! Here is the first FOL communication for this year, brought through with much Love and Light from both parties!! Thank you all so much for Being Part of the Amazing New Year’s eve event. Be it in my house online or watching later …  Absolutely splendid!!! Happy New year to you, my friends. It was so lovely that you participated in the New Year’s Eve bash. Thank you. Welcome to Each One. Young, old, sick, healthy, rich, poor … it matters not to us, for the Soul is of the Greatest Light within Each One … regardless of circumstance … and it is for Each One to awaken to this concept. The fact that …THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE IS AS GREAT AS YOU DECIDE YOU ARE GOING TO ALLOW IT TO BE. Read More…

Lets Make Disclosure Great Again: Galactic Federation of Worlds Plans For Disclosure with Val Nek

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How to Connect with Love, with Unity Consciousness

Hello our dear ones, We greet you with love. And we come with so much gratitude for all of you, for the light that you shine in a world that sometimes feels very dense and challenging. We are here to remind you that you are all beings of light. And that in your own individual way, you bring many gifts to the world and gifts to those around you. Do not forget who and what you are. That you are pure energy, pure consciousness, that your core light at an essential level vibrates with that of universal and unconditional love. Though this may not always be your experience, and it may not always be that filter through which all of your experiences nor your reality is felt and understood, understand that within each of you there is the ability to filter and experience all things through this lens of higher love. This is in fact, one of your true inherent abilities. It is an ability to love, to feel love, and to receive love. Read More…

Galactic Federation of Worlds: December Q&A with Val Nek

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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Dec. 11, 2022

Once again, here we are. Sharing the Love, as more and more all over the world are recognising that this is why we are here. Hello! Dearest Blossom … Dearest Souls of Truth … what a Joy to be in your company once again, indeed. We are engaged in conversation with you this day and we offer great affection to Each One who has understood their reasoning and purpose in supplying Love to your Planet … through the Light of themselves. Supplying Love? Never thought of it like that. Then we feel it advisable that you do. YOU ARE SUCH WONDEROUS BEINGS OF LIGHT – LOVE. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - December 4, 2022

Well, here I AM, hoping my energies are now conducive to a conversation with you? Are we good to go Indeed, Blossom. It is the Pleasure of these communications which brings us to this place, wherein we are able to connect and blend Energies in order to assist and bring Light on a deeper level into one’s Being-ness. Cool. Why is it you sometimes say ‘Being-ness’ and sometimes ‘Being’? The Being is the ‘Self Soul Light’ the Being-ness is the ‘of it’. Read More…

Blossom, White Cloud and the Federation of Light

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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - November 6, 2022

Blossom, we are aware that there are many topics that Souls would like us to discuss with you. We say to you that there are many topics that simply are ‘Off limits’ ‘Out of bounds.’ In that … Truth regarding all things has a time and place to be presented. In fact, an ‘Order of play’ is in place. Your world is not what you have been shown it to be. Not by a long shot. Yet, we are not at liberty to disclose a great deal until the pieces of the puzzle are ready to be slotted into the picture. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - October 30, 2022

Good morning. Well, if I could give you a noddy badge, I would. I have had so many emails sent to me regarding the World Health Organisation announcing a deadly fungus, that is a follow on from the virus. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. Could it be something you said has come about at last? Welcome to you, Blossom. Welcome to the entirety of the community. The Tribe of Light Warriors that has expanded not only in number yet, in ways of the Glorious Spirit Heart. Read More…

Accessing Spiritual Abilities: Part 5: Astral Projection

Hello our dear ones, We are here. We are the Andromeda Council. We bring love. We are at this time connecting with many other Beings and guides, particularly those guides who work very closely with humanity within the human realm and level of consciousness. We always look upon humanity with awe, and we marvel at your abilities to connect with each other —and with all else —in the Universe, in far more ways than you are sometimes consciously aware of. All humans possess certain innate spiritual abilities. These are abilities that allow them to be guided to receive the knowledge, the insight, and the prompting that helps them align with their life purpose, with their path, that allows them to receive information for their own benefit as well as for the benefit of those around them. Read More…

Are you focusing on your Passions, your Joy? Blossom Goodchild channeling the Federation of Light - October 23, 2022

Hello, my friends. Where to from here? May we take this Divine opportunity once again, to welcome Each One to this conversation. For it is not just with you, Blossom. IT IS A CONVERSATION WITHIN EVERYBODY’S HEARTS. FOR WE DESIRE TO TOUCH DEEPLY, THE LIGHT WITHIN EVERY SOUL WHO IS UPON YOUR PLANET AT THIS TIME. Nice intro. We would care to speak of the ‘voicemail’ we delivered to you not long ago. We would choose to call it an ‘Energy mail’ … for we Trust that it lifted the Vibration pull to a Higher Frequency … of/within … Love. THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE. THE LOVE THAT FLOWS THROUGH YOUR VEINS. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. Read More…


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Message from Val Thor of the Intergalactic Confederation

An agreement was reached today between the Federation of Light and those that have been enslaving the population of Earth. The agreement addresses the return to the people of Earth their freedom, and sets into motion the removal of and replacement of the systems of enslavement. Universal Laws include Divine Justice. Those who have violated the Sovereign rights of others will be facing consequences of their actions in accordance with Divine Law. Read More…

White Cloud, FOL, a dog, a frog, and me!

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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 2nd October, 2022

Hello there. I am here, willing and apparently, able! Are you feeling the same? Indeed, Blossom. It is wonderful to be back in conversation with you this day. Being uninspired as you have been, in a sense, is a good thing. Really? How so? When the mind falls into a lull, it allows for expression of a different frequency to be explored. It assists one in understanding of the Highs and lows … the inspirations and the non-inspirations. Never think that to feel this way is a bad thing. It is through all manner of thought and feeling that one comes to recognize that which they Truly are.
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Accessing Spiritual Abilities: Part 4: Clairaudience

Hello our dear ones, We are here. And as always, it is an honour and a delight to have the opportunity to speak to you, all of our friends, about your innate abilities. These are true abilities that exist beyond your physical senses. They are what many of you would refer to as your metaphysical senses. And it has been our pleasure to bring you information as of late with regards to your empathic abilities, your intuition or clear cognizance, and more recently, with regards to your clairvoyance. What we would like to delve into today is about clairaudience. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - September 18, 2022

Good morning to you. Once again, I leave the topic for this chat in your capable hands. Greetings to you Blossom. Joy and Blessings are offered to Each One who finds their way to these conversations. There is much Celebration taking place in Higher Realms. There is much concern taking place in lower realms, for it is known what is to come and how their fate is to play out. And how is that? Blossom … it is quite a controversial topic. For is it not that every living thing is derived from the ONE ENERGY THAT IS LOVE? Read More…

The Light Has Won

Hello light warriors, I have been guided to send this message at this time. Earth has begun her ascension. We are entering a new phase of our evolution on this beautiful planet. It is paramount that we work together as one for the good of all humanity. Many of you have played a part in this journey so far. The dark forces have taken advantage of your desire to help, and they have manipulated many of you into their traps. They know where your weaknesses lie, and they use them against you. This has given them power over you. It is time to break free from these chains and fight back with massive love! Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - September 11, 2022

Good morning. Well, should we talk about The Sign? The Queen’s death? Or the price of fish? Welcome to you Blossom and Each One who finds themselves drawn to these conversations of ours.  We know there is a burning question you wish to ask, Blossom. Please go ahead. Thank you. Already, emails are coming in wondering if the rainbows that appeared over both Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace just after the Queen’s passing, were the Sign in the skies you were talking about? And we would immediately answer … no. Read More…

Breakthrough Technologies From The Galactic Federation

The Galactic Federation has been monitoring humanity for many years now and is ready to make contact with humans. Their representatives are already here on Earth, observing the planet and monitoring our development. The Galactic Federation is formed by a wide range of extraterrestrial races from all over the universe, with varying levels of spirituality and technology throughout. The most spiritually advanced races have spent many thousands of years at much higher frequencies than our own and have evolved to a state where they no longer have any need for violence or deception. For example, the Arcturians are a race of people who have reached this level of spiritual evolution. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 27th August 2022

Welcome, Blossom. Welcome to All. Each One that comes to this place in Love to BE WHO THEY ARE and connect with the Higher part of their Beings as they read or listen to our conversations. Indeed, Blossom … there is a DeLightful reason that we were nudging you to sit with us this day. Stretch your minds. Stretch your imaginings as we bring through these offered thoughts IN/AS/THROUGH/OF … LOVE, this day. Read More…

Accessing Spiritual Abilities: Part 3: Clairvoyance

We are here to share more information with regards to innate spiritual abilities that are shared among humanity. Humanity, at this time, is seeing an unprecedented acceleration and opening up of many innate gifts and abilities. Some of these are gifts and abilities that are quite familiar to humans. But there are more abilities that, we would say, some humans have just begun to learn. But what we wish to speak of today are the ‘clair’ abilities. This is claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience, as an example. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 21st August, 2022

Once again, here I am for a chat. I feel, for now, to leave the Codes and Crystals. We sort of get the gist and I don’t want to dive too deep in case I run out of Oxygen! Perhaps talk to us about you? That would be an interesting place to start. Blossom, we welcome you. We welcome all who choose to come into this space and gain information and Energy upliftment as we converse. Firstly, there is not really a ‘You’ to talk about. There is not an ‘Us’. Yet, once you said you can take any form you desired. Read More…

The Earth Will Be A Galactic Federation Planet Again!

What happened to Earth? Some time ago, negative forces arrived on Earth. They used advanced mind control techniques to take over the planet's inhabitants and seize control of the Earth's resources. The negative forces are currently trying to overtake the entire galaxy. But that's not all! These evil creatures can also disguise themselves as humans. This is what makes it difficult for us—they hide in plain sight! However, there is some good news. Read More…

Mindblowing Arcturian Message to Humanity

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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 7th of August 2022

Hello again! Our last conversation regarding the Codes sparked off much interest. The week before you had spoken about Crystals. I was wondering if you could, therefore, talk about the two together! Welcome Blossom, to you and naturally to all those who ‘find’ our conversations agreeable and resonate warmly within them. A lovely way to begin, indeed. As discussed, absolutely everything has a Code that continually moves and Vibrates. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 31st July, 2022

For a change, let ‘us’ begin with the introductions, shall we? Welcome to you, Blossom and Each One. Many new Souls are finding our presence ‘online’, as you would say … and many ‘old souls’, in all aspects of that, continue to be uplifted by that which we ‘choose’ to speak of. This gives us great Joy as it is our desire to uplift. For in doing so, we, via you, uplift your Planet, which for so very long now has been ‘under lock and key’. A change is as good as a rest as they say! Hello to you. Would you care to elaborate on ‘under lock and key? Although, I think I know what you mean. Certainly. In order to identify ‘Codes’ of a certain calibre, there had to be a release, an unlocking, in order for a Higher Vibration to flow through. Read More…

Accessing Spiritual Abilities: Part 2: Intuition

Our dear friends we will speak to another ability. And we will refer to this as, in many ways, intuition and infused knowing. It is, as we would like to describe and refer to this intuition as, an inner connection to your higher self. It is your Beings, your guides, your higher-self, and even Source’s way of guiding you, of speaking to you, perhaps through an alternate sense. If it is not something that comes through as a fast or immediate knowing or answer, it often speaks to you through your intuition. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 24th of July, 2022

Hello! So lovely of you to make a guest appearance in my video last week. Enabling so many to receive your High Energy Love. Thank you. With so much Love, we join you once again, Blossom, yet, in this telepathic system we have come to know well. It is not always conducive with the Energies to ‘directly speak’ through you. Yet, such a Divine moment for ‘us’, when we do. Read More…

Captain Adrian of the GFL - July 14, 2022

I take off and fly upwards towards the clouds. I see the house below me and I continue towards the horizon and see the black space outside. A spaceship comes towards me and a voice says, come to my ship that you have been on so many times before. It's Captain Adrian who greets me and he says they want to show me something. The ship moves and we fly a little higher up from the atmosphere and he shows me what an incredible number of spaceships surround the Earth. Adrian says that there are millions and everyone has come to see the spectacle when the Earth shifts to the fifth dimension. Read More…

Accessing Spiritual Abilities: Part 1: Empathic Abilities

Hello, this is Ashtar and I’m here with many from the Federation as well as from the intergalactic Federation. We have been on standby for today. We are always honoured and delighted to come through. And it is a new energy that we bring through today. It is not necessarily my own energy alone, but it is in fact, a blend, a beautiful blend, from the energy of many, many Beings who are at this time present and here to flow energy through to any and everyone who will hear this message. For understand that all intentions, whether they are received or felt in real time or whether they are received and felt after the fact, it is the intention that creates a ripple effect of beautiful energy. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 19th of June, 2022

Good morning. (As opposed to last week, when I should have put Good Moaning!) Ready to commence communication if it is deemed suitable? We too, offer Greetings of a Light nature, Dearest Blossom, and All Souls who now connect with us on a regular basis. May we add to this, that as one returns more frequently … one’s Vibration builds upon each ‘review’ and therefore, the Feeling of Heightened Love is more readily accessed. Read More…

The Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild - 12th of June 2022

Good morning. Another week has flown by. Upon chatting with folk, there seems to be a ‘general’ lull in one’s Life. A lack of lustre. No-one sure whether to go ahead and book things or prepare for future events and even if they are, there doesn’t seem to be much enthusiasm. I realise this is the aftermath of the last two-and-a-half-year debacle … yet, any signs of encouragement would be lovely. Welcome, Blossom. Welcome to all. Each one that has returned to our continual conversations in order to find ‘themselves’. Read More…

The Qualities of an Ascended Person

What does an ascended person look like? The first thing is that they don't look like anything. They are not a special type of person; they are just ordinary people. The second thing is that they are very simple. They are not show-offs; they don't go around showing off their enlightenment or their spirituality. They are not trying to impress others with their knowledge, experiences, or anything else; they simply enjoy life as it unfolds moment by moment. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 5th June 2022

Hello, hello, hello! What shall our chat be about today then? Would you be able to Enlighten us any further on the Monolith situation, perhaps? Welcome to One and All. We are always in /of Joy to commence these conversations with you, Blossom. It indeed is wonderful that so many are uplifted by that which we have to offer. Our mission is to do just that … UPLIFT. So much Gratitude to Each One for feeling and accepting that which we have to say. Regarding the Monoliths … regarding the entire triggering of all that was mentioned in a conversation a while back, nothing has changed, other than the Energy. Which is certainly amping up. Can you not feel it, Blossom? Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 22nd May 2022

Good morning to you. Well, there’s some monkey business going on! Many are writing, asking if this latest ‘monkeypox’ that’s going around, is Fergus the Fungus in disguise? What are your thoughts, please? And a Bright Good Morning to you, Blossom and all. Hardly bright outside my house, as the rain continues to cause havoc over Queensland. Yet, I guess that is another story. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 15th of May, 2022

Here we are again, then. A thousand topics one could pick and yet, not one seems appropriate. So, perhaps once again, I feel it best to leave it up to you. You seem to always know the ‘Soup of the day’. Welcome, Blossom, and All who Enjoy our conversations. We Appreciate the Appreciation that was expressed to you regarding our last conversation concerning Gratitude. Yet, let us now turn our thoughts to something quite different. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 8th May, 2022

Good morning! The harder one falls, the higher one climbs! So True. On coming out of my slumps, I am finding such sweetness in Gratitude. More so than ever. Has someone up there had a Gratitude bag explode right above my house? Welcome Blossom, and Each one. You could say that! You see, Blossom, the Energies that are able to reach Each One in these ‘troubled times’, are far from troubled. They are Energies of such Light and those who are willing to receive them are finding Great DeLight and indeed, comfort, in these newfound Heights. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 24th April, 2022

Here we are again then! Hello and welcome to this space! A question. Is ignorance Bliss, or just plain stupidity? Welcome to One, Welcome to All. For it is always with much DeLight we enter into these conversations in order to uplift the Vibration of those who join us, which in turn lifts the Vibration of The Whole. Dearest Blossom, might we suggest that it is a matter of balance? Indeed, to pretend that your World is nothing but … Light filled/infused … would not be a correct assumption, and yet, which world would you choose to be involved in? If you are to indulge in rabbit holes that one cannot be sure of as a Truth, then what service are you offering to your Brothers and Sisters and indeed, your Planet? Yet, if you are to ‘pretend’ that your world IS INDEED LIGHT INFUSED and ONLY LIGHT INFUSED, then such Honoured Service are you rendering. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 11th April, 2022

Hi chaps! Due to something I was sent, I decided to have a reread of the Monoliths, crystals, portal, ley lines, channel*. It was quite something. I was wondering if it is time to talk about ‘all that’ once again. Oh! Manners, Blossom Goodchild! How are you doing? The Greatest and most Enlightened of Good mornings to you, Blossom. What a lovely start! I could do with this morning being the Greatest and most Enlightened! Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - April 4, 2022

Hello and Good Morning to you! Let us take the lead this morning in wishing Each One and indeed yourself, Blossom, much Light and Love, and Trust and Joy and Happiness, as you go about your day. How lovely. Thanks very much. Blossom, you are aware that these times that one has chosen to undertake, demand so much from the Soul’s ‘archives’, in order to even be able to feel one’s functioning. Read More…

The Galactic Federation: The Answer Lies Within

Hello our dear ones, We are here. It is the Federation and we are always delighted and honored to have the opportunity to connect with you. As you are, we are watching world events with bated breath. But we will say we are also marveling at this new light that is coming in. As we have communicated in the past, there has been much new light, many new energies, that have been showered upon your Earth that have been making their way through the human collective. These energies at times permeated inwards as quick or brief pulses. These pulses held their own frequency and served their own purpose. In some cases, it was to help we would say transmute certain frequencies of energies that needed to be cleared and removed from the collective as well as from your beautiful Gaia. Read More…

I AM Mantra from THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT - Intro and Practice

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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 28th March 2022

Hello again. I’m not really sure if I am holding the right vibe for this today, yet the timing is good, so let’s see. What’s left to talk about … the price of fish? Welcome to you. We feel your Energy and it is alright to be a little under par when we chat. Under par doesn’t change our Love and desire to communicate with you, which in turn allows you to be uplifted, perhaps. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 20th of March, 2022

Good morning to you. Straight to it. As more and more BS churns out to us … I become less and less interested in it, to the point of detaching from any form of emotion other than ‘This is all BS!’. Nothing seems real. I look at others walking by and don’t feel part of the plot. Have I just become totally insensitive to other’s suffering, or am I becoming more ‘aware’? It’s like nothing makes sense, and I can’t be bothered to try and work it out! I’m not depressed, just curious. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - March 14th, 2022

Hello there! Well, all I can say after your spectacular live appearance on my last YouTube is … follow that! No pressure! Welcome to Each One who joins you here, Blossom, and we are indeed, impressed with the amount of viewers that ‘came to the table’. For our intent is to assist in elaborating the Truth, so one may know of it! As both you and White Cloud did so beautifully. Thank you. Someone sent a short video about a Pillar of Light that was seen in Perth. Apparently, there were four of them. Which appeared very quickly. I know you are aware of which I speak. Indeed, Blossom. Read More…

Me, White Cloud and a surprize visit from The Federation Of Light!

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The Galactic Federation: What’s going on?

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The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 27th February 2022

Hello, my friends. You were right, the house you ‘chose’ for me is indeed a Sanctuary! I feel so comfortable here. Thank you. Now then, your news of a worldwide lockdown has reached far and wide, it seems. Yet, you have been speaking of the lockdown for a long time. It’s the introduction of ‘Fergus the Fungus’ that has intrigued many. Are you able to elaborate, or not? Read More…

The Galactic Federation: Opening the Floodgates to Greater Energy

The way that we are showing this to this one [Kate], it is as though you can imagine a traffic jam or a blocked blood vessel that is slowly being unblocked, and the energy is beginning to flow forth again. This is how it is being represented. It is as though the human collective is becoming less stagnated. It is as though the collective is beginning to expand more so. We have seen segments and pockets of the human collective awaken, become more aware, do their inner work, expand their gifts, learn to attune to the beyond. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 14th of February, 2022

Blossom … as ‘The lady of the cards’  wisely mentioned, it actually matters not what ‘Our label’ is. What matters is that the Truth we bring through resonates within the core of the Being. It is for Each One to ‘discern and decipher’ for themselves … our words … and whether or not they ‘Ring True’. As we have said in previous chats … we are not in competition. Our desire is to assist your Planet and all upon Her, to move into the Higher Vibration where all that no longer serves … in these times … will be ‘left behind.’ Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 6th February 2022

Hello again, my friends. There are thousands of ‘Heroes’ all over the world in their trucks and thousands of Heroes supporting them … in the name of FREEDOM. Rather than hold on to my hat, I take it off to each and every one. Is it then, that your crystal ball still shows a world lockdown? The Brightest of greetings to you Blossom, indeed the Brightest of Light Greetings to all that are drawn to our ‘service’. If you were to see from our perspective the ENERGY that is radiating from the places where these vast engines are gathered, it would fill you with such Hope! Read More…

The Federation of Light Through Blossom Goodchild - 26th January 2022

Welcome to you Blossom. Welcome to all upon your Planet who continue to serve their purpose in Being. You are feeling that nothing much has changed since we were last in contact? It has indeed been a long while and unless mistaken, Phase Two still hasn’t arrived! One wonders how much longer before that takes place … before anything we hear about takes place? Yet, although nothing appears to be moving forward … it is. So much progress is being made that shall allow the state of affairs upon your Planet to change … as if almost overnight. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 21st December 2021

Hello! Giving it a try before Christmas … Anyone home? Welcome to you, dearest Blossom, and to all those who choose to be part of our community in this way. We are aware of all those who write into you in Gratitude for that which we bring through, and we would very much like to take this opportunity to give our Gratitude to Each One for taking heed of that which we offer, which in turn lifts the Vibration of the Planet … which brings us great Joy … because it allows us to note the change in Energy upon your Planet … and within you. This is certainly a very positive outcome for us that so many ‘KNOW’ their Inner Truth and it serves so well in bringing about the enormous ‘Shift’ that is about to take place. Read More…

Galactic Federation: Your Inner Power is the Key

Hello, it is Ashtar! I am here with members of the Galactic Federation. As you know, we the Federation, are becoming more widespread in the knowledge and consciousness of the human realm. This is a beautiful thing to celebrate, for it is important that humanity – whether they are awake or not – that they understand that there are governing groups of Beings that are here to assist. It is important for humanity to know how loved, protected, and supported they all are. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 23th November 2021

Well, it’s 3.15 am. I guess now, being as good a time as any to try and ‘make contact’. So unsure of content, as so unsure of my energy. Let’s see, shall we? So, the state of the world? Screwed, wouldn’t you say?! Yet, many freedom rallies worldwide, so people are awakening. Yet, so many just doing as they are told and getting ‘done’. What say you off-worlders about all this? Read More…

AWAKENING FROM SLUMBER - Galactic Federation Update from Aurora Ray

Dear beloved ones, We are the Galactic Federation, we come to you with greetings of joy. We are your family on the other side that has been assigned to strive for one thing, and that is to work together to create a shift on Earth. At this time, you are each experiencing your own unique set of challenges and in a variety of situations. It is the biggest challenge to face yourself in ways you never have before. There are a lot of “dramas” going on right now on your planet that were created by the Cabal to distract you from your true power and purpose. Read More…

Galactic Federation: A New Light is Rising!

We are here! We are dazzling with excitement! We have been waiting for this. We have been occupied with this grand show that is happening upon your beautiful Earth. There have been quite a few celebratory conversations and we will say meetings that have taken place here in the higher levels of the Galactic Federation. The entire Federation is in a beautiful, joyous uproar, and a beautiful uprising of victory, of light, of new hope that is not only felt among all members of the Federation, but that we are all beginning to glimpse throughout humanity and it is delightful to witness, to savor, to feel, to absorb, to sense. It is the rising of a new sun. It is the dawning of a new era. But it is just the beginning. This sun is finally beginning to rise and humanity is beginning to see light, true light, a new light, a light not seen before or at least not seen in a very, very long time. Read More…

June 2009 Star Glyph Crop Circle translation: Galactic Federation of Light through Dancing Dolphin on October 23, 2021

Attention! Attention! The time of the ‘Great Experiment’ has ended. Time everlasting on your planet has been devoted to the contributions of hu-mans and their potential to inhabit the galaxy and the omniverse. The ‘Great Experiment’ has been a test of your species. The test has been long and arduous and even longer and more difficult than you realize. After eons of watching and observing, we have decided that the future of hu-mankind in the galaxy is not to be reckoned with. This means that it is inevitable. You have proved yourselves worthy of joining (what you may call) the Galactic Federation of Light, (but what we call) Our Group of Enlightened Beings from all over your galaxy, the universe and even beyond what you can imagine. Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 16th October 2021

Hello you! I am trying to rise above the insanity of our Planet, as I know we have to focus on a bright future in order to bring it about. In Australia, many are talking about escaping to the hills and apparently, guns are now in short supply as people feel the need to protect themselves! * I thought perhaps you could take us on a journey of Joy and talk to us about The Bridge … The Rainbow Bridge. Sounds like a trip I would like to make. I have my bag packed! Read More…

Were Facebook & Social Media Blackouts due to Capture of Tall Gray Aliens?

On October 3, I reported on the sensational news that nine Tall Gray (Eban) extraterrestrials had been captured by the Galactic Federation of Worlds only four days earlier, which has sparked quite a bit of online interest and debate. These Grays were allegedly the same leadership group that had reached agreements with the Eisenhower Administration in the 1950s, and were subsequently key players in the New World Order that had been secretly set up by their Deep State partners. Only five days after the reported capture, Facebook, Instagram and Whatapp all experienced blackouts on October 4. A coincidence? Not so according to the latest updates from two Galactic Federation representatives, Val Nek and Thor Han, as relayed through independent sources. Read More…

Have Tall Gray alien leaders just been captured by the Galactic Federation?

On September 30, I received an update from Elena Danaan and her extraterrestrial contact, Thor Han Eredyon, concerning a contingent of Tall Gray alien leaders from Orion who had just been captured by the Galactic Federation of Worlds. It was claimed that the Tall Grays were the same aliens that had in the 1950s reached an agreement with the Majestic 12 Group without President Eisenhower’s approval, and selling out humanity in the process. If accurate, the capture marked a major step forward in humanity taking back control of the solar system. Read More…

GFL Ascension Status Update

2021-09-24-gfl-ascension-update Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - September 22nd, 2021

Hello, oh bringers of Light and Hope. Let’s hope you are to do just that today, for it seems the people of our Planet are very much in need. The plot has clearly been lost and is nowhere to be found. Dearest Blossom, dearest bringers of Light and Hope. For all that you imagine ‘us’ to Be, is exactly what we KNOW yourselves to Be. YOU are the bringers of Light and Hope to a world that seems to be sinking into the mire. Read More…

STAND UP ! A message from the Galactic Federation of Worlds - Sept 18 2021

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COSMIC DISCLOSURE with Cosmic Girls ! Megan Rose & Elena Danaan - Sept16/2021

2021-09-17-cosmic-disclosure Read More…

Are suppressed healing technologies being mass produced on the Moon for public release?

On September 11, I received an important update concerning the impending public release of advanced healing technologies that are being mass produced on the Moon, as a result of the Jupiter Agreements involving military and space program officials from 14 nations and cutting-edge aerospace companies that occurred back in July. The update was given by Val Nek, a High Commander of the Galactic Federation of Worlds who took part in the Jupiter Agreements, according to Megan Rose who relayed Val Nek’s intel. Read More…

James Gilliland with Elena Danaan & Megan Rose - Planetary Liberation

2021-09-14-as-you-wish-talk-radio Read More…

Galactic Federation is helping Humanity build a Starfleet for Planetary Defense

According to Val Nek, a High Commander with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, Earth is undergoing a major power shift with the exodus of the Dark Fleet and their Draco Reptilian and Orion allies from our solar system. In his latest communication, relayed through one of his contactees, Megan Rose, we learn more about the status of unfolding events on Earth and our solar system, especially concerning the construction of huge motherships in Earth orbit that will serve as international outposts, and the development of a Starfleet for planetary defense. Read More…


2021-09-10-best-of-gfl Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - September 8, 2021

Well, hello at last. Due to my present circumstances and therefore, my energy, our communications have been few and far between. Yet, trying (once again) to see if we can make it work. Can we? We can certainly do our very best. For know too, Blossom Goodchild, that not only can the personal Energies affect our communication lines, yet, that of The Whole, also. We, of course, WELCOME EACH ONE to this discourse. Read More…

Did the Galactic Federation just release its Prime Directive?

In this Exopolitics Today interview, Elena Danaan, a former professional French archeologist, discusses a recent communication she received that details the Prime Directive of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Elena is publicly releasing the ten articles making up the Prime Directive, along with commentary by her primary extraterrestrial contact, Thor Han Eredyon. The contents of the Prime Directive are known to participants in secret meetings and agreements that have occurred between the Galactic Federation and national space program leaders and major aerospace corporations. Its contents have not been publicly released until today. Read More…

September Message To Humanity 2021 (Elizabeth April)

2021-09-03-september-message Read More…

Has US Space Command received advanced tech from Galactic Federation?

The Galactic Federation of Worlds is sharing advanced technologies with the US Space Command to prevent future infiltration by hostile extraterrestrials according to the latest update by one of two known ‘contactees’ working with the Federation. On August 29, I got an update from Megan Rose regarding a communication she had just received from her primary Galactic Federation source, Val Nek. The information is very significant given real-time events concerning outer space and the creation of new satellite systems. Read More…

Interview on Dark Fleet Exodus from Ceres & Mars

2021-08-31-dark-fleet-exodus Read More…

Plans for a Star Trek Future began with US Navy in the 1950s

Exopolitics Today Podcast identifying the history, planning and creation of a Star Trek Future that secretly dates back to the 1950s, and is most recently revealed in the recommendations of a 2019 Space Futures Workshop. The creation of a multinational space alliance, the Artemis Accords, intervention by the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and an unknown Temporal War involving the Earth, Moon and Mars are among some of the recent space developments relevant to an unfolding Star Trek future for humanity. Read More…

Elena Danaan, Dr. Michael Salla And James Gilliland Covering The Latest GALATIC NEWS

2021-08-17-galactic-news Read More…

Update on Jupiter Meetings with the Galactic Federation of Worlds

More information has become available that better clarifies what happened at a set of secret meetings that took place in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter in mid-July involving representatives from different spacefaring nations and the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Elena Danaan, who first released news of the dramatic meetings from her extraterrestrial contact, Thor Han Eredyon, has provided a diagram along with further explanatory comments that help considerably in getting a better idea of the different nations, corporations, and organizations that participated in the meetings, and the selection process for the nation that would be chiefly responsible for coordinating humanity in taking responsibility for the solar system – the USA. Read More…

Update on Galactic Federation Intervention in our Solar System

2021-08-06-update-on-gfl-intervention Read More…

The Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild - August 3rd, 2021

Yet, with respect … can you not see, can you not FEEL the amping up of Energies? The amping up of tensions all around you? When we say ‘These are the end times’ we do not mean for your Planet. We mean for the Game to be over. For the newness of Life to Blossom into fulness once again. We have said it will get worse before it gets better. We have told you that you will need every part of your Being to be on call, in order to remain in Strength during these times. On your mainstream media, there is little room for Truth. Yet, between the network of souls who KNOW THE TRUTH … so much is coming about in ways of breakthroughs. Read More…

Was Mars moon Phobos just liberated from hostile extraterrestrial control?

According to Elena Danaan, a former professional French archeologist, the latest real-time intelligence data received from the Galactic Federation of Worlds is that Mars’ largest moon, Phobos, has just been liberated from a hostile extraterrestrial group she identifies as small Gray aliens from Zeta Reticuli. Her startling information is supported by scientific data and historical evidence indicating that an aggressive extraterrestrial species was indeed based somewhere in the interior of Phobos and was opposed to humans gaining any detailed knowledge of what was happening there. Read More…

To Play Its Part In What Is To Come - Blossom Goodchild channeling the Federation of Light - 07.25.2021

That which is coming, Blossom, that which ‘This Event’ will bring with it, is of such Light. Such Energy change … for/of … ALL THAT IS. Both on and off Planet. This is why we have said ‘All eyes are on your Planet’ as it is part of the upliftment of everything … for everything is connected. This LOVE LIGHT that is to sweep over, through and within, is of a magnitude that has not yet been experienced in such a way. Read More…

Galactic Federation Important Message to Starseeds (July 2021)

2021-07-23-gfl Read More…

The Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild - 13th July 2021

We are aware you would like to talk about the Monoliths? Yes, please. If it suits? For quite a few are inquiring as to an update on them. All are now in place. Yet, none are to be activated, at this time. They shall remain dormant until ‘The signal’ is given, at which point they shall ‘Come alive and do their thing’. Read More…

Remote Viewing the Galactic Federation of Worlds AND Multiple 'Galactic Federations' are Intervening in Human Affairs

2021-06-29-gfl-remote-viewing Read More…

The Galactic Federation of Light - You are the chosen ones

I'm excited to bring you this message directly from the Galactic Federation of Light, specifically for this newsletter. Thank you GFL! Thank you Shawna. Thank you all souls on Earth who are reading this message. You are the chosen ones. You are the way-showers. You are the ones who will bring this planet into the next phase of its existence. How are you feeling on this glorious day, about this decision you have made for yourself?  Read More…

Elena Danaan Update - June 17, 2021

2021-06-18-elena-danaan Read More…

UFO Disclosure Is Coming To The Forefront Of Human Consciousness

UFO disclosure is hitting the mainstream media these days, and many wonder about the different directions this still-unfolding story could potentially take. The governmental leaders and mainstream media may create another fear-based narrative by twisting the truth and utilizing this subject to their advantage. UFOs have always been around, but never before has there been more activity than now. That is because the peoples of Earth had never been abused to such extremes as in this present moment. It is imperative to understand who these beings are who are navigating the mysterious aircrafts. We have lived in supreme arrogance, thinking we're the only populated planet of the universe for a very long time because those who rule over Earth decided that they would be more powerful if they kept us in darkness. Read More…

Is the 4th Reich’s Dark Fleet abandoning Antarctica?

According to Elena Danaan, a former professional French archeologist who claims to be a contactee with the ‘Galactic Federation of Worlds’, an exodus of a German 4th Reich controlled “Dark Fleet” is currently underway that is creating a power vacuum that different nations are trying to fill by building bases in Antarctica. Her information comes from an extraterrestrial from the Taygeta star system in the Pleiades she identifies as ‘Thor Han’, and a current resident at the US McMurdo base who goes by the name ‘Frank’, and whose last name I will keep private. Read More…

June Galactic Federation Monthly Message

2021-06-08-gfl-june-message Read More…

Galactic Fleet Command: Change by Contract

Greetings, Dear Ones on our beloved Earth planet! We wish to share with you at this time something that you may already well know, but we feel it bears repeating. As more information is being revealed concerning the truth of COVID19, there have been statements made about the needless deaths of countless millions because of incorrect procedures for containment, etc. You have heard the stories, and so we shall not recount them here. What we wish to bring to your attention – whether already known or not – is the reality of those deaths. Read More…

Mars Wars Remote Viewing by Megan Rose Medium

2021-05-28-mars-wars Read More…

The Galactic Federation: Current Narrative

We would like to emphasize the importance of not letting yourself get pulled into the current narrative. As usual, things are not as they might appear at first glance. It is so easy to be dragged down into worry and despair about the events on your planet. This fear should not be your “place of residence”… The dark forces are trying everything to regain their power and they will stop at nothing. Everything is designed to keep you stuck in the 3D matrix construct of fear and control. Read More…

The Galactic Federation - The manipulation behind wearing masks

Dear ones, Those of you who practice yoga, pranayama, and meditation on a regular basis know about the importance of your breath. Your breath is sacred. What is the difference between life or death? It's your breath. You can survive 30 days or more without food, 3 days without water but, not even 3 minutes without breathing. Read More…

Galactic Fleet Command: Expansion

Greetings, Dear Ones! We are so very pleased to be back with you as we bring a message that may be somewhat new to you. The new message is that Galactic Fleet Command is much expanded over the seven patrol ships that we have been in the past. We now have many more from other planets and galaxies that have joined with us in these final days of the Ascension process… both spaceships and personnel! Your skies overhead are now literally filled with our spacecraft! All of this is added to the fleet of Ashtar Command, which has existed for eons of time. Read More…

A message from The Galactic Federation to the Family of Light

We have transmitted new codes to the cells of your being while you were sleeping, dear ones. You are empowered and have all the necessary tools to bring forth the liberation of Gaia. We have given you the means to "beat your enemies with their own weapons" as you could say in your human language. There's a lot going on on your earth star Gaia at the moment. It is the final battle between dark and light. Remember, that light is information and therefore darkness is the lack of it. Read More…

Is Mars in the midst of a Planetary Liberation War?

On April 30, Elena Danaan, a former professional archeologist whose claims of contact with extraterrestrials from the Galactic Federation of Worlds have gained widespread attention, delivered a bombshell report about an ongoing series of military raids on Mars that aim to destroy the bases of a rival extraterrestrial alliance: the Draconian Empire and the Orion Collective. These extraterrestrial bases were created to suppress the indigenous Mars population; manage the operations of human colonists associated with a German breakaway group called the Dark Fleet (aka Nacht Waffen); and oversee major Earth corporations that have relocated to Mars. Read More…

Mars Wars - 30/04/2021

2021-04-30-mars-wars Read More…

Remote Viewing US Presidential Meetings with Extraterrestrials & Secret Agreements

One of the least understand processes in the modern history of UFOs are secret meetings held between US Presidents and extraterrestrial visitors, and subsequent agreements that emerged from them. A number of insiders and eyewitnesses have come forward over the years to share their knowledge of these highly classified events, which continue to remain secret to this day and are hotly disputed among UFO researchers. Read More…

Update on Galactic Federation attacks on Corporate Satellites & Mars Exodus

According to the latest intelligence received from a representative of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, attacks have moved into high gear to remove corporate-run facilities that have recently relocated to Mars. On Sunday, April 25, Elena Danaan sent me an update on the ongoing campaign to free Mars of negative extraterrestrial and corporate influences after the Galactic Federation had previously freed the Moon as she explained in our fourth interview. Read More…

Galactic Federation of Light: Our Members & Missions

Our primary goal is to get our message out, and to begin to allow humanity to get a better sense and understanding of who and what we are. For there are many who see us as an elusive force, who engages daily in battles. Well, this is a very small part of who and what we are. It’s one of our many, many roles. We are in many ways we are missionaries. We are also ambassadors. We are also – and many do not come to understand us as this – but we are also teachers and guides. We are also liaisons. We play many, many roles where we help many different members and races within, or affiliated with, the Galactic Federation of Light connect with each other. In order to promote more harmonious relations, exchanges and even trade between the number of Galactic Federations. Read More…

Galactic Fleet Command: Be IN the 3D World but not OF it

We greet you once again, Dear Ones! It has become our determination to not bring a message to you unless it seems to be needed at the specified time, or is a bit different from what is in the many other fine channellings that you receive daily. The message we bring you at this time has to do with living in the present moment in the way of ‘AS IF’. Read More…

Galactic Federation Intervention on Mars, Moon & Earth

2021-04-13-gfl-on-mars-moon-earth Read More…

LIVE Q&A - Answers From The Galactic Federation

2021-04-06-gfl-q-and-a Read More…

28th March 2021 by Blossom Goodchild – The Federation of Light

Here we are again then! I leave today’s discussion in your hands. I am Truly stumped as to where we take our conversations, at this point. Yet, where are my manners? Hello. How are you? Dearest Blossom, we very much look forward to these discussions. We understand that each week you are hoping that something MAJOR will have taken place, in order to amp up the Energy and to dismiss all thoughts of ‘The waiting Game’ etc. Is this not so? Read More…

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild - 21st of March 2021

What ho, chaps! How’s things in your neck of the woods? Greetings Blossom and to Each one that resides upon the Earth plane, whether they know of us or not … our Love still reaches out to them. I am sure it does. A question by many is … ‘Where does the land lie regarding the Announcement? Is there still to be one?’ Indeed. For the changes that are to take place in/of Great Magnitude, pivot around this. In that … when such a matter is brought into the open … it’s the BIG GAME CHANGER. Read More…

New Exopolitics Podcast: Extraterrestrial Contact & the Galactic Federation

2021-03-23-contact-gfl Read More…

Pryme & Special Guest Elena Danaan * The Galactic Light Forces * Who Are They??

2021-03-12-gfl-elena-danaan Read More…

Q&A | Answers From The Galactic Federation

2021-03-02-gfl-qanda Read More…

Galactic Fleet Command: Readiness

Greetings, Dear Ones! Once again it is our pleasure to interact with you as we share a message that is very close to our hearts. The topic we are speaking about is ‘Readiness’… and all that such a word entails. You might ask, “Readiness for what?” — and that would certainly be a wise question to ask. Let us first emphasize the fact that this Earth planet is a school… a school for experiencing, learning, growing, and – most importantly – evolving! Read More…



Galactic Fleet Command: Facing the Shadow on the Hearth

Beloved Ones, we greet you with love and joy on this beautiful sunny morning. We realize that you may not see life on planet Earth as one about which to be joyful, due to circumstances around you and throughout the world. Please know that what you are only able to see in your world is the opposite of what we see on the other side of the veil. Because of the duality/polarity aspect of your present 3D world, you see things as exact opposites at both ends of the same pole. The idea is to bring them together and merge them into the ONENESS that they truly are. On our side, we can see that Oneness as it is already beginning to happen. Read More…

LIVE Q&A | Answers From The Galactic Federation

2021-02-02-gfl-q-and-a Read More…

The Galactic Federation: Will the Truth Be Revealed to All?

Hi Inger, we want to leave you a message about the situation in the world and about the coming big revelation. It is not very late but it will go out as it has been said, sometime during these days. The councils have agreed that people are mature enough to hear what has happened in the US election with fraud and corruption. Regardless of when this announcement comes out, it will be a shock to the people of the United States but also to the rest of the world. The dark can threaten with whatever they want, the message will still be published for the people. Read More…

The Light Forces Are Taking Over NOW

The Galactic Federation Confirms That The Light Forces Are Taking Over NOW! This is the BEginning of the establishment of an Intergalactic Confederation as the Old System is Crumbling in front of the eyes of Earth’s population. We are NOW moving into a Heightened State of Awakening of the Masses. The unbelievers and mind-controlled population of Earth are NOW moving into the First State of Awakening. For many this will come as a shock and they will inevitably experience the Dark Night of the Soul Now. This is necessary to process and shed layers of programming and false beliefs. Read More…

LIVE Q&A | Answers From The Galactic Federation

2020-01-05-gfl-q-and-a Read More…

A Message from the Galactic Federation of Light: Stand Together in 2021

Hello, this is Ashtar and I’m joined by a few key members of the Galactic Federation of Light.  And these members are what we refer to as ‘foreseers’, or ‘seers’, of the next realm of light that is coming across your Earth. They are members of a higher Council that we, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light, frequently confer with particularly when we’re looking at likely timelines. We seek their counsel and their advice as to how to steer humanity, how to guide you all along these probable timelines in order to yield the most positive outcome for humanity. For this is always our primary focus, goal, and objective. For your well being is our mission. Your ascension is our grand mission. And we stand with you side by side. Read More…

Message From The Galactic Federation of Light | Our Role in 2021

2020-12-30-gfl-message Read More…

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light - December 19, 2020

Today is a massive day for all lightworkers on the planet to awaken to the truth of reality, the truth of existence. Here we watch as so many of you continue to struggle through the illusion of your 3D lives, lost in the sea of confusion, fret, worry, desperation, pain and suffering. This is not who you are, nor were you ever meant to be this. Humanity has been lost to these emotions and identifications for far too long. We are here – collective “WE” are here – to help usher in the new Earth, at her higher frequency, so that those who decide to follow behind you to this plane of existence can have an experience that is much more in line with your true natures as divine aspects of Source. Read More…

Ashtar on the December 21st Energies

Hello and greetings! We are here. This is Ashtar. And I’m joined by a few key members of the Galactic Federation of Light. It is always a pleasure and a delight to be in your presence and we know and understand exactly why you have come to us. There is much ado about nothing! And we chuckle as we say this for we closely tune in to your social media platforms, and we understand that there are many theories, beliefs and much conflicting information with regards to what will actually occur around this winter solstice on December 21. Read More…

Galactic Federation Message to Humanity December 2020 (Elizabeth April)

2020-12-15-gfl-message Read More…

LIVE Q&A - Answers From The Galactic Federation

2020-12-11-gfl-q-a Read More…

A New Special Message from the Galactic Federation of Light via Inger Noren, December 9th, 2020

On the occasion of the election in the United States, the incumbent President has ordered that this notice be issued to the people of the United States for information about election fraud in all the United States of America. It is of great importance that this announcement shows how great the corruption and fraud has been in the United States in connection with this election. Read More…

December 21st, a Solar Flare and So Much More Coming in | Lord Ashtar, The Galactic Federation via Lynne Rondell

Hello beloveds it is I Lord Ashtar along with the galactic federation of light. We are so pleased to both be coming through this channeler today. We wanted to speak to you today about things that are going on, on your planet. We wanted to speak to you today about what you’re going through is going to be propelling you forward very quickly and we also wanted to speak to you today about energies that are entering the solar system and that are energies that are within your solar system that are coming in to help you the month of December with actually progressing on your ascension. Read More…

Galactic Federation Message to Humanity: Dec 21, 2020

2020-11-24-gfl-message Read More…

Q&A | Answers From The Galactic Federation

2020-11-20-q-a-gfl Read More…

Ashtar: A Message for Humanity

Hello beloveds, it is our Lord Ashtar coming through this channeler again for the second time, the dark has stopped the last channeling. So we’re going to try to bring through the same message again. I Lord Ashtar coming through with a message for all of you out there for the entire human collective and this message is not only from me, this message is from the galactic federation, the high councils of light and this message is from the entire angelic high kingdom. Read More…

Galactic Federation of Light: This US Election is About Journeying into Truth

We are the galactic federation of light, we are all 12 councils and yes we’re on the 12th dimension coming through this channeler with this message that we feel is very important and very timely as you have a lot going on with your election in the united states. We thought we would talk about what this election is really bringing forth, we thought we would talk about what this election represents and we thought we would talk about how this election is really about journeying into truth. Read More…


2020-11-10-gfl-lightforces-taking-over Read More…

The Benefits of Med Beds

If one goes to the med bed with the intention of regenerating themselves, this intense light, this high-vibrational energy works in combination with your intentions to have the desired effect. It is simply ‘amping up’ your own intentions. And it is speeding up the end result, so to speak. This is a highly and grossly oversimplified explanation, but we feel that it is one that will serve you all well so that you can understand how these med beds work. If you go in with the intention of removing pathogens, it will be done. If you go in with the intention of rejuvenating yourselves, then it will be done. It is light that accentuates your own light and your own desires. We hope this clarifies.  Read More…

Election Results | Message From The Galactic Federation AND HOLD THE LIGHT | What Is The US Election Showing Us?

2020-11-06-election-results-gfl Read More…

The Galactic Federation of Light: Our Future Economy - Part 2

The Internet of the future will open your eyes, and your minds more importantly, to information that until now has not been made available to you. There will be many programs focused on health and well- being. You will have access to information that will slowly but surely teach you about universal laws. How to treat each other. There will be much information about areas where there is a need for service, where there are opportunities and roles in areas that until now have been very obscure or limited. This would be much like a job site. But these jobs would be fulfilling. And for the most part, they would be in service to others and heart-based. Read More…

Q&A: Answers From The Galactic Federation

2020-10-20-q-a-gfl Read More…

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, October 16, 2020

What wonderful times you are living in, and I am positive that at some time in the future you will look back and be so pleased you were there to experience a once in a lifetime event. Of course you are bewildered and even confused by what is happening but in time you will understand, when the reasons are made known for the changes you are experiencing now. All you see is chaos and events that seem to spell big trouble for the future yet you will eventually understand and realise it was all necessary and totally in control. Of course there are real hardships but the outcome will be far more acceptable than you could possibly have imagined. The changes are for the better and when your ET friends make their worldwide announcements, no one will be in doubt as to their good intentions. Read More…

LIVE Q&A: Answers From The Galactic Federation

2020-10-10-q-a-gfl Read More…

The Galactic Federation of Light: Our Future Economy - Part 1

Hello. We are key members of the Galactic Federation of Light in conjunction with Ashtar. Ashtar is present, but he has called upon a handful of the, we will simply call ourselves, the ground crew coordination primes or masters if you will, for there are members of the Galactic Federation that have been tasked with specific mandates to carry out work on Earth, and to help lead humanity towards significant and positive changes. Read More…

ASHTARA's Message to Lightworkers on 9-7-20

I AM Ashtara of the New Jerusalem starship.  What a lovely day it is for those who celebrate ‘Labor Day’ as you call it in the US and Canada. From our ship we see many families and friends gathering together to celebrate life! The joys, the freedoms, the sadness, the laughter and the love. In the near future, many of your days will be like this one; relaxed and joyful. For in the future, many of you will be living in 5D and will have the leisure of your days and nights. You will be inspired to create what you wish as your ‘job’ and have much ‘down time’ to enjoy with family and friends. For this is the way that life was intended. Read More…

Reptilians & The Great Awakening

2020-09-08-reptilians-and-great-awakening Read More…

Galactic Federation Message To Humanity (August 2020)

2020-08-21-gfl-message-to-humanity Read More…

Is Trump A Lightworker

2020-08-14-is-trump-a-lightworker Read More…

Galactic Federation Of Light Message to Humanity

2020-08-07-gfl-message-to-humanity Read More…

The Light Council of Alcyone - A MESSAGE to HUMANITY

2020-07-11-lightcouncil-of-alcyone Read More…

Joaquin of the Galactic Federation via Galaxygirl - June 1, 2020

We are representatives of the Galactic Federation. Last night we woke this one up to inform her that humanity was freed. We wish to elaborate upon this news bulletin. For you are currently experiencing a cacophony of energetic realities that we know, and can observe being felt as overwhelm. The light has overwhelmed the darkness. You are now seeing and feeling this expression of battle, of discord as energies separate and stretch higher or lower into different dimensional constructs and realities. Read More…

ATTENTION LIGHTWORKERS: A message from The Galactic Federation

Why many "lightworkers" aren't working for the "light" at all. You've probably come across those who talk only about "love and light" and angels or ETs but never mention the satanic pedophile cannibalistic cabal elite of this planet who have kept you enslaved for thousands of years. Some even have the audacity to say that you must stay away from those who do and that this is a 3D concept that will keep you from ascending... We kindly ask that you question this concept. Since when does ignorance stem from the truth? Light is information therefor darkness is the lack of information. Read More…

KaRa via James McConnell, April 26th, 2020

I am KaRa.   I come at this time, in these momentous times that you are finding yourselves now.  But it is certainly not by happenstance that you are here.  It is not by accident that you are here.  It is all a part of the greater expression of the plan. You have heard ‘trust the plan.’  But it is so far beyond the plan that you are experiencing now here on the Earth.  The ‘plan’ is the universal plan.  And you have also heard that nothing can stop what is coming. Read More…

ASHTARA's 4th Message - 12-22-19 - Dancing Dolphin

Dear Lightworkers of Earth, I AM Ashtara of the New Jerusalem starship and I have a message for you on this day. The time is NOW for you to step into your FULL BEING!  BE the Soul that you are! You are all Mighty Warriors of Love and it is time to show it! When the chaos starts, you will be the one in your community that others will look up to. Your job is to stand firm, stand tall and shine your love and light out to all. Everything will be OK! Read More…

Beyond Project Bluebeam

Back in the day, lightworkers in the know feared a false-flag operation called Project Bluebeam. Project Bluebeam was a top-secret American project which was designed to use holographic and other technologies to project images onto the sodium level of the Earth’s atmosphere of spaceships or religious figures. It would be used to manipulate the followers of various religions and sell them a new New-Age religion, one designed to suit the Illuminati’s purposes. Read More…

A Message from Ashtara of the New Jerusalem starship to the Lightworkers of Gaia

Hello, dear Lightworkers of Gaia! My name is Ashtara. I am the daughter of the one receiving this message and my Father is from Arcturus. Neither my birth Mother nor Father raised me. I was raised in many places, but mostly onboard the starship called the New Jerusalem. My Mother agreed to donate her egg for my creation before she was even born on Gaia. It was one of many of her Divine Covenants. Read More…

The Cabal and the Galactics, According to Adamu

What this means is that our spirit technology surpasses their material technology by an almost unimaginable margin. Now these others, they feel we stand in the way of their plans and they feel they want what we have. So they will attack us when they can. They would in fact destroy us if they could and take everything we have from us. But they cannot. They very rarely manage to even hurt one of us in the slightest way. Read More…

NEW GALACTIC & PLANETARY UPDATE on the 15th of May 2019 through Ria Aurora Athena Ash

I (Commander Ash’Tar’Ka’ree) Of The Jupiter Command & The Ashtar Command: Speak to you today in your now ..... Currently As you move along this Leap in consciousnes frequency & vibration we call The Ascension leap into ( The Satya Yuga, Satyug, or Kṛta Yuga ..... ) 5th Golden age… Read More…

The Galactic Federation of Light

The Galactic Federation is like the United Nations of the galaxy (The Milky Way) only much more useful and absolutely incorruptible. All galaxies have Galactic Federations and they all belong to a grand Universal Federation. The Galactic Federation (GF) is made up of many thousands of civilizations or “Star Nations”. Read More…

New Galactic UpDate From The Jupiter Command & The Ashtar Command - High Commander ASH’TAR’KA’REE

Benevolent Galactic Intervention Imminent

Our intent is benevolent. There is no choice for those upon the Surface that have a malevolent intent, they must comply. All leaders of the highest form upon the Surface are in complete submission, all of their planetary resources used to control this World have been benevolently compromised and those leaders no longer control the short term outcome upon the Surface. Read More…


There has been a consortium of beings contacting us lately from 13th dimensional beings on down. Most contacts are with the 7D, 6D, and 5D beings. Pleiadians, Orion Council of Light, Arcturians, Andromedans and Sirians. They are deeply concerned with the direction of Humanity and the Earth and are now activating the ground crew, those who incarnated for these times. It is said for these times, God/Creator/Great Spirit has given its best. Read More…

Mira Of The Pleiadian High Council & Lady Anneya Of The Jupiter Command

Ashtar and Jupiter Command: Planetary pole shift / Polarity Reversal

Update by Sheldan Nidle - 02.10.2018 - Final celebrations are coming into view! Hallelujah!!

Selamat Jalwa (Be in righteousness) All is as before. While the dark cabal persists in being its usual arrogant self, we move forward dynamically, assisting our Earth allies in keeping far ahead of the cabal. Their days are numbered and they are painfully aware of it. As our Earth allies continue to carry out the next stage of our ever-evolving strategies, victory is assured. These plans of action are immensely complex and include a myriad of variables. Remember that this is a global undertaking. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 18.09.2018

Selamat Balik! We return with uplifting news! Progress continues. The dark cabal has reached the point where its only option is to surrender. Every strategy to disrupt the Light has utterly failed. We are approaching the very brink of events that are to be the true prelude to your freedom and the rise of new governance. Along with our Earth allies, we are in the middle of executing a well-thought-out plan that is dismantling the existing power structure. A sweeping series of untested strategies is being successfully implemented that continues to perplex the dark cabal. Read More…

Update by Sheldan Nidle - 03.09.2018 - The return of the Light to planet Earth...

Dratzo! We return! Your progress toward achieving ultimate victory for the Light continues to move ever forward, step by step. As we watch the way the Alliance, our Earth allies, work together to implement the very discreet and painstakingly orchestrated blueprint that we helped them formulate, we can’t help but feel some pride. Their dynamic plan of action continues to bewilder the overconfident dark cabal. Multi-dimensional in nature, up until now the strategy has been slow and steady. Expect to see an acceleration of movement as Truth continues to be revealed. Read More…

Update by Sheldan Nidle - 21.08.2018 - Puzzle pieces are falling into place...

Dratzo! As the world continues to change, the cabal remains deeply perturbed at losing their grip on humanity. You have had a long struggle of ups and downs and yet your resolve to hold the Light is ever present. Most beings on your planet sense beneficial change on some level. The world you have known for centuries is in a state of collapse. The current global scene is running its course. Hot on its trail are events that promise to be quite life-changing. They involve the birth of a new era of true spiritual growth and the emergence of long-sought ideals such as peace, prosperity, and personal sovereignty. We now find ourselves in an interregnum, watching as the old Dark Age dissolves and a new era of hope and renewal comes into view. Read More…


In the last month, quite a few important events have happened in the space around Earth and also in the Galaxy as a whole. First of all, it concerns the Sun. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 07.08.2018 - We are teetering on the threshold of a long awaited Golden Age

Dratzo! We are quickly reaching the point where a time for denouement is becoming possible. The Alliance, including our Earth allies, realizes just how close we are to the very brink of our long-sought goal. The various groups of our Earth allies are finally coming to understand that this world's plight needs to be accommodated. As consciousness rises in this realm, the financial system changes and the new prosperity must be revealed. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 24-07-2018 - Be Prepared to Enjoy...

Selamat Ja! Many wonderful developments continue to unfold! The dark cabal remains as arrogant and uncompromising as ever. They are befuddled by your rapid upsurge in consciousness and the awakening of the general public. The Light quotient in your solar system is rising exponentially in ways they had not predicted or even thought possible. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 10.07.2018 - Prepare yourselves. The day of reckoning approaches!

Salamat Jalwa (be in righteousness).We return to speak with you about many events unfolding around your globe. Your world is caught in a war between good and evil. For 13 millennia, the dark cabal has been in control of your planet. With the new strategies we have provided our Earth allies, now called the Alliance, the tides have turned: the dark is losing its power while the Alliance continues to gain momentum. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 26.06.2018

Dratzo! Let us begin. Much is being readied for a significant coming event. This ever-changing orb upon which we gaze is a world where the dark pursues its diabolical schemes with little success. We cannot emphasize enough that the demise of the cabal is closer than most of you might believe. The recently formed Alliance, in company with our earth allies, is at the ready to spring a carefully-set trap that will lead to arrests of some of the cabal's upper-echelon personnel. The arrest plan is designed to keep the public informed as a way to limit chaos. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 12.06.2018 - Many events are ready to manifest...

Selamat Balik! We come with more exciting news to discuss with you. After 13 millennia of unopposed control, the Cabal finds itself struggling to adjust to a sudden surge in growth of consciousness. This new element scares them and is truly changing everything. As we reported in an earlier message, a new coalition of forces, to which we refer as 'the Alliance', has come together as a most compelling group that we have grown to respect. They continue to mystify the cabal, wreaking havoc on them in every way possible. The cabal remains bewildered as to why their arsenal of tried-and-true methods continually backfire on them. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 29.05.2018 - Lightworkers are liberated to wield their beams of Light

Salamat Jalwa (be in righteousness). The decline of the cabal continues. Their slow, arrogant moves and our quick retaliatory counterpunches are leaving these scallywags in a morass of their own making. Our Earth Allies continue to build global alliances that are clearly intensifying their Victory over the dark. The keys to this victory are your rising levels of consciousness, and your growing hunger to be free and spiritually sovereign from the dark and its endless centuries of slavery, greed and contempt. Heaven continues to equip and fortify each of you for full consciousness. Your pending reality shift is the reason the dark's influence is waning and why the cabal is in such a panic. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 15.05.2018 - Global peace is about the creation of a better reality

Selamat Jarin! We return, dear Hearts, with much more to discuss with you! The ongoing struggle between Light and dark in this realm is approaching a crucial point. Many events in the past few weeks have created an opening for the Light. Indeed, the comprehensive strategy is to provide our Earth allies much-needed benefits. The inevitable defeat of the cabal continues. One cabal strategy after the other is falling away. As the cabal weakens, its membership diminishes. Meanwhile, the Light strengthens as the puzzle pieces fall into place that will ensure your freedom. Peace, prosperity and new governmental order are growing closer each and every day. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 01.05.2018 - Use Heaven's Law of Divine Grace...

A new financial system is ready to be announced. It utilizes a quantum computer that will end all cabal efforts to steal or reroute your promised prosperity. This new financial system is casting aside the old globalist agenda as it ushers in a fresh new multi-lateral alliance and new range of sources. The sources to which we refer are the small people-oriented banks that are coalescing in some of your poorest countries. All currency will be asset-backed. Brace yourself for the introduction to new economic and political alliances − alliances once thought impossible. The Light will be Victorious. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 17.04.2018 - Hooray for the onset of a brand new day!

Selamat Balik. Let us resume our look at what is happening around your world. The dark's unrelenting arrogance, which is not permitting it to face your new and growing reality, is further allowing the Light filter in behind them. This is making it possible for the Light to merge in new and better coalitions, which are also allowing prosperity to break out of the endless delays caused by the dark. The Galactic Federation is stepping up its penetration of the growing flaws in the dark cabal's old strategies. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 03.04.2018

Selamat Jalwa! We are pleased to inform you that there is a strategy that we, the Galactic Federation, have implemented quite successfully. The cabal, arrogantly believing that no one could defeat them and unwilling or unable to change how they operate, has been hanging on to power with all their might. This is changing. Although they now realize that they are losing their stranglehold on Earth's citizenry, they stubbornly choose to fight to the bitter end. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 20.03.2018 - Joy, Peace & Prosperity

Selamat Balik. A new day is being born. Lightworkers and their allies now understand that victory approaches. For a very long time the prophecies foretold this now-inevitable victory. It is a time when your prosperity is to be released and a new way of doing things is to become the least of your worries. Lightworkers understand this new scenario and welcome the demise of the cabal with ease and with grace. Read More…

Sheldan Nildle Update - 27.02.2018

Selamat Balik. The clean-up operation continues. Our crowning victory grows closer each day. Most of the major bases and strongholds of the cabal have been utterly destroyed. Our list of arrests grows longer by the minute. Meanwhile, the plan presses on to implement the New Republic, empowering our allies to ultimately take over USA, Inc. The RV continues to roll out and move forward. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 13.02.2018 - We stand today on the very cusp of Victory.

Selamat Balik. We return to report on what continues to unfold behind the scenes. The dark cabal, overall, is losing their power over humanity. A new and radiant Light is forming, allowing many new events to manifest. The occasional strategies that we have employed are designed to systematically defeat the dark cabal. As a result, the currency revaluation, growing closer to its release every day, will result in turn in a global currency reset. Our Earth Allies and their friends are methodically preparing to safely transform this world as you know it. Read More…

Ashtar and Sananda via Galaxygirl, February 5th, 2018

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Sheldan Nidle UPDATE - 30.01.2018 - Transforming Humanity...

Selamat Jalwa! Be Righteous. Much is happening. This new year begins with many cabal attempts to derail your promised prosperity by fabricating a war. Today we will discuss the nature of our blueprint to defeat the dark cabal. Our multi-layered strategies have garnered many successes and confused the cabal. They are desperate and each move they make only further tightens the noose around their necks. Our plan has forced the cabal to give up many of the positions it held at the end of last year. It has also caused the loss of many of their members to yet-unannounced arrests. Read More…

Galactic Humans 101 FREE Webinar

Topics Include:
• Story And Mission of Sheldan Nidle
• About PAO
• Our History & ET origins - Starseeds
• The Great Shift - Why Now?
• The Galactic Federation and Other Factors in the Shift
• Becoming Galactic Humans Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 16.01.2018 - The time of your liberation is near at hand...

Selamat Balik! We return. The events of today are encouraging and continue to foreshadow the defeat of the dark cabal. The important point is to understand what this defeat would truly imply. The dark is reeling as it collapses in the wake of its unavoidable defeat. Consequently, we are ecstatic and realize that this is just the beginning of many rewarding events to come. We recognize what this process truly means to all of you who are working in the Light. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 2.1.2018 - Use your amazing visions...

Joy and salutations from the Galactic Federation and Ascended Masters! We come after this wonderful holiday season that kick-started the final stages of the cabal’s demise. Although for many decades they have been referred to as the “powers that be”, we now refer to them as “the powers that were”. More will be revealed in the coming weeks as to why we say this year-end holiday season has brought many gifts for your freedom. We wish to alleviate your frustrations, for this journey has been long and rambling. Now, however, you can glimpse the Light at the end of the tunnel. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 19.12.2017

Selamat Balik!. Welcome. After considerable delay we return to give you a brief review of what is taking place around your world during this sacred time of the year. At times it is difficult to fully grasp what is manifesting on your planet. We wish to take a moment to review what has transpired for us at the Galactic Federation. We finally have been invited by your Earth allies to play a more active part in rolling out your promised prosperity. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 16.11.2017

We are on the brink of a prolonged dark era that has held us back for far too long. That obstacle is about to be transformed. Hang tight, as many Truths are being readied for disclosure. Much is happening behind the scenes that will smooth the way for an easy NESARA/GESARA transition. Countless wealth and Heaven's supply are anticipated to be released. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 10.10.2017

Selamat Balik! Much is still taking shape behind the scenes. Those in charge of the monies still seem quite hesitant to part with such huge sums. This concurrent aspect of reality is now being pushed aside by the Light. The various trouble spots are simply indications of why much of this degree of chaos is occurring. It is Heaven's prime intention to quickly release the prosperity funds and finally allow the true NESARA Republic to flourish. At that time, the dark is to be fully defeated! Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 03.10.2017

Selamat Balik! Many puzzling developments are currently manifesting. However, events are transpiring that are expected to end the present prosperity fund impasse. It is extremely necessary that the current distributions be carried out quickly according to Heaven's wishes. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 19.09.2017

Selamat Balik! Progress towards prosperity continues to be made. All procedures are moving along as planned. What we intend to discuss with you at this time is the growth of higher consciousness within every one of you. When Heaven set about to forge a new earthly reality, the main strategy was simply to ensure that your overall spiritual awareness continued to grow until it approached an agreed-upon threshold. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 12.09.2017

Dratzo! We begin by thanking all whose grand visions are making possible the release of prosperity funds long awaited by all. What we wish to discuss with you today is the immense progress of Gaia and her people toward accepting the growing role of higher consciousness in this world. When we first arrived many decades ago, we saw a population being run around in circles by the Anunnaki and their worldwide network of minions. This tyranny is being brought to an end by the rising up of each one of you! Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 05.09.2017

Selamat Balik! All continues to move forward. The dark cabal persists in assuming that they are still untouchable, but this deep belief is about to be shattered. The various Light forces now possess arrest warrants to formally put away these rapscallions. This development is to also terminate the old illegal USA, Inc. and the attached-at-the-hip Federal Reserve Bank. The ugly truth is going to completely break them. The dark's future is to be revealed as they are swiftly rounded up and sent unceremoniously to the holding cells in the sky. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 29.08.2017 - It is time for all to come to fruition!

Selamat Jalwa! Funding is now approaching. Multitudes of currencies are being readied to make everyone in the various programs wealthy, healthy and wise! It has taken a long time for us to overcome the lethargy that has delayed these programs. All is in place to show you that the long wait is justified and at last you can enjoy the wondrous fruits of your labors. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 22.08.2017

Dratzo! Necessary initial movement of funding is now occurring in its own due time. This process was set in motion nearly five years ago, and requires that the Elders let go and rely on what is now called the primary motion. It is this motion that frees all who were involved from this task and gladly gives it up to Heaven. Herein there is a divine purpose. Long ago, vast uncountable sums were set aside to begin this final action, and the process has at last been formally instituted. Now, all that is left is a sacred act that Heaven has longed for. This means that the final release and distribution of monies is close at hand! Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 15.08.2017

Dratzo! All continues to quickly move forward. Those in the know expect that a major energy shift is to occur with this month's solar eclipse. It has been foretold that this galactic event should take place after a major global release of a vast amount of currency. This solar event would then jump-start the NESARA Republic and the worldwide kick-off of GESARA. It is this series of global events that could truly set this month apart. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 08.08.2017 - Never lose sight of what you wish to create...

Dratzo! Many signs now indicate that we are actually moving closer to the much-anticipated deliveries. The numerous delays and their accompanying glitches have reached a most critical point. We continue to fully expect your promised deliveries to occur. This process, as noted in previous reports, is taking far too long to successfully execute. The constant delays by the deliverers is appalling. At times, their frequent excuses would appear planned. The distribution process should not be a hit-or-miss procedure. It would be much easier to work in large and complete delivery batches to achieve a success. Read More…

Sheldan Nidle Update - 01.08.2017

Dratzo! The recent blackout created by the elders is only now being lifted. This was caused by those who seek anonymity and hence desire for these monies to be delivered in as ceremonial a way as possible. What is now required is your continued patience combined with the knowledge that all of our plans are truly being readied to unfold. In this regard, we simply ask all to remain in a positive mode, ready to receive the great gifts to be given them by Heaven. Therefore wonderful surprises are nearly ready for dispersal.
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